Data and Analytics

HRP is a data-driven organisation, and leverage market knowledge and intelligence to support our approach to partner selection.

Hampden Agencies

  • Members’ Agency Pooling Arrangements (MAPAs) – Expertise in portfolio creation
  • Common tooling of Lloyd’s and LMA data and statistics
  • Alignment to a proven methodological approach to syndicate analysis
  • Insight and experience of market conditions
  • Hampden Underwriting Research (HUR) annual Syndicate Profiles

Led by technology

HRP works with appropriate market-leading technology platforms, and leverages Lloyd’s Blueprint 2 to enhance our low cost, best-in-class underwriting approach. It achieves this by streamlining and automating where possible the following capabilities:

  • Electronic placement and portfolio benchmarking, profitability assessment and lifecycle/end-to-end digital data workflow
  • Nat-CAT and non-Nat-CAT portfolio roll up capability, reinsurance structuring and pricing, and tailored capital return metrics
  • Data validation, tax and regulatory checks
Hampden Risk Partners
Hampden Risk Partners

Oversight and Governance

We’re committed to maintaining the very highest standards of business planning, strategy and oversight.

Asta Managing Agency
Asta acts as the Independent Managing Agent for HRP, and provides oversight services including Underwriting Management, Compliance, Risk Management, Finance, Actuarial, Exposure Management, IT, Internal Audit and Claims. Working closely with our management team to develop and execute HRP’s strategy, Asta also provides in-depth support and challenge to ensure we consistently meet the requirements of Lloyd’s Principles for Doing Business.